1.Effects of Deep Tillage and Successive Application of Organic Matter on the Growth and Nutrient Absorption of Cabbage.
 ODAHARA Koji, Akira FUJITA, Naohiko KUROYANAGI, Ken-ichi SAKAI and Toshiro WATANABE
2.Influenc of Varietal Characteristics and Uptake of Nitrogen on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Rice in Fukuoka Prefecture.(1) The Optimum Pattern of Nitrogen Uptake for Stable Yield and Nirogen Conent in Brown Rice of Early Varieties of 'YUMESTUKUSHI' and 'HOHOEMI'.
 ARAKI Masato, Tomizou YAMAMOTO and Kohei TANAKA
3.Influence of Varietal Chracteristics and Uptake of Nitrogen on the The Growth, Yield and Quality of Rice in Fukuoka Prefecture.(2) The Relationship between Nitrogen Uptake and Yield for the Rice Variety of 'YUMESTUKUSHI'.
 ARAKI Masato, Tomizou YAMAMOTO, and Yukie MITSUDA 
4.Adaptability of Two-rowed Barley Cultivar 'NISHINOHOSHI' in Fukuoka Prefecture.
 OGATA Takefumi, Tetsuya Iwabuchi, Yusuke FUKUSHIMA nad Yuji MATSUE
5.Improvement of High Bench Culture System for Mother Plant of Strawberries and Development of Efficient Two-Step Multiplying Runner Plants.
 FUJITA Koichi, Hisakazu MITSUI, Takayuki SUEYOSHI, Hajime FUSHIHARA
6.A nutritional diagnostic for Cyclamen. (1)A simple measurement of nitrate concentration in petiole fluids.
 INOUE Keiko, Yasuo KOBAYASHI and Masato ARAKI
7.Effect of compost pH. Compost Material and Fertilization Concentration in Subirrigation Culture of Hydranea on Growth and Sepal Color.
 KUNITAKE Toshihiro, Takahiro TANIGAWA and Naohiko KUROYANAGI
8.A Proposed Revision of Measurement of Free Organic Acid Content in Grape Juice.
 SHIRAISHI Mikio, Hiroyuki FUJISHIMA and Nobuyuki HIRAKAWA
9.Relationship Between Astringency and Soluble Tannins in Grape Cultivar 'HAKATA WHITE'
 SHIRAISHI Mikio, Mitsuo Awamura, Nobuyuki HIRAKAWA and Akihiro IBI
10.Effects of Feeding Dairy Cows Total Mixed Rations with High Dry Matter Content on Dry Matter Intake and Lactation Performance During the Hot Season.
 YOKOYAMA Manabu, Tugumitsu KAMORI, Takahiko KAKIHARA, Yoshihiro ISOZAKI, Minako HARADA and Yasuhiro KOGA
11.Effects of Bovine Embryo Stage and Biopsied Part on the Judgment Rate of Sex and of Freezing Condition on the Pregnancy Rate after Tranfer.
 UEDA Shuji, Miyuki Mori and Shiojiro KASA
12.Transitivity of Inosinic Acid Contained in Breast Meat of Specialty Chiken and Rooster Breeds Produced in Fukuoka Prefecture.
 NISHIO Yusuke, Motoyuki MAEDA and Eriko FUKUHARA
13.Effect of Feeding Low Proten Diets on Egg Weight and Egg Size in Hens.
 FUKUHARA Eriko, Motoyuki MAEDA, Yusuke NISHIO and Masanobu TURUSAKI
14.Epideniologic Study on Hoof and Leg Diseases of Dairy Cows Housed Under Different System.
15.Physiological Characteristics and Cultivation Methods of Edible Burdock Cultivar Onji-gokuwase- shiroguki Leaf and Stem.
 HAYASHIDA Tastuya, Takao KATAYAMA and Takefumi OGATA
16.Technique of Effciently Fertilizer Administration Using Buried EC Senser in Tea Field at Fukuoka Prefecture.
 SAKAIDA Teruki, Syuichi EGAMI, Sinichirou NAKAMURA, Hironobu MORIYAMA and Kazuya MATSUDA
17.The Line Separation of Fruiting Habit in Ground Cerry (Physalis alkekengi L. var. francheti(Masters) Makino.)
 TSUKIJI Kazutaka, Mitsunori HAYASHI
18.Effectof of Rootstocks, Citrus Viruses and Viroid on Growth and Fruit Quality of 'OHTAPONKAN'(Citrus reticulata Blanco).
 IBI Akihiro, Katsumi Shimomura and Nario KUSANO
19.Detection of Apple Stem Grooving Capillovirus by Immunocapture Reverse Transcription Polymerace Chain Reaction in Citrus.
 SIMOMURA katsumi, Nario KUSANO