福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告21 (2002) pp 53-57
[摘要]特産肉用鶏について旨味成分の一つであるイノシン酸量を把握するため,「はかた地どり」(シャモ×ホワイトロック:以下G×WR)および「はかた一番どり」{(横斑プリマスロック×ホワイトロック)×ホワイトロック:以下(BP×WR)×WR}について,肉中のイノシン酸量を測定し,ブロイラー専用種と比較した。また,原種鶏のイノシン酸量の特徴とその遺伝的影響を明らかにするため,G,BPの純系同士ならびにG×WR,BP×WRの二元交雑種同士を比較した。イノシン酸はと殺解体後 5℃保存で 4,8,12,24時間後の浅胸筋中の含量を測定し,経時変化を比較した。
1 標準出荷週齢のG×WR,(BP×WR)×WRは,と殺後 8および12時間後のイノシン酸量が,標準出荷週齢のブロイラーより有意( p<0.05)に高かった。
2 G純系とBP純系の18週齢時のイノシン酸量を比較すると,と殺後12および24時間後にBPがGより有意( p<0.05)に高かった。G×WRとBP×WRとの同一体重時のイノシン酸量は,と殺後12時間でBP×WRが有意( p<0.05)に高かった。
Transitivity of Inosinic Acid Contained in Breast Meat of Speciality Chicken and Rooster Breeds Produced in Fukuoka Prefecture
NISHIO Yusuke, Noriyuki MAEDA and Eriko FUKUHARA (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric.Res.Cent. 21: 53 - 57 (2002)
The speciality chicken breeds, HAKATA-JIDORI (Japanese Game×White Plymouth Rock; G×WR) and HAKATA-ICHIBANDORI {(Barred Plymouth Rock×White Plymouth Rock)×White Plymouth Rock;(BP×WR)×WR} were compared with broiler chickens to determine how much Inosinic acid (IMP) was contained in the breast meat as a taste active component. We are compared G with BP and G×WR with BP×WR to clarify the IMP contents in G and BP speciality rooster breeds. The IMP content in each breed was analyzed at 4, 8, 12, 24 hours after slaughter. The resultsare as follows.
(1) The IMP content in speciality meat breeds aged 12 weeks (G×WR) and 9 weeks {(BP×WR)×WR}, was higher(p<0.05) than 8-week-old broiler chckins at 8 and 12hours after slaughter.
(2) IMP contents in 18-week-old BP was higher(p< 0.05) than 18-week-old G at 12 and 24 hours after slaughter. Also in 11-week- old BP×WR was higher(P<0.05) than 12-week-old G×WR at 12 hours after slaughter.
Consequently, it was made clear that IMP preservation in BP is higher than in G, and it considered that the transitivity of IMP varies according to rooster.
[Key words: speciality chicken breed, cock breed, Japanese Game, Barred Plymouth Rock, taste active component, Inosinic acid, transitivity ]
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