福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告21 (2002) pp 6-10
第1報 良食味早生品種‘ほほえみ’,‘つくし早生’の収量および玄米窒素含有率からみた望ましい窒素吸収パターン
2‘つくし早生’では幼穂形成期に7gm−2,穂揃期10gm−2,成熟期に10.5gm−2で,収量水準は560gm−2程度で u当たり籾数は26,000粒であった。
Influence of Varietal Characteristics and Uptake of Nitrogen on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Rice in Fukuoka Prefecture (1). The Optimum Pattern of Nitrogen Uptake for Stable Yield and Nitrogen Content in Brown Rice of Early Varieties of 'HOHOEMI' and 'TSUKUSHIWASE'. ARAKI Masato, Tomizou YAMAMOTO and Kohei TANAKA (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 21: 6 10 (2002)
To establish the optimum method of fertilization recommendation for improvement of yield and inhibition of increasing N content in brown rice, a study was conducted to know the relationship between the amounts of nitrogen(N) uptake at three major growth stages and yield and N content in two early brown rice varieties namely 'HOHOEMI' and 'TSUKUSHIWASE'. The results revealed that, at the same level of N uptake at harvest stage of both the varieties, the yield and N use efficiency of 'TSUKUSHIWASE' brown rice was higher than that of 'HOHOEMI'. The optimum pattern of N uptake for achieving high yield and low N content in brown rice was as follows: (1). The optimum amount of N uptake at panicle formation stage, full heading stage and at harvest stage was 5.5, 9.5 and 11.5gm−2 respectively for 'HOHOEMI' variety. (2). In case of 'TSUKUSHIWASE' variety, the optimum amount of N uptake at panicle formation stage, full heading stage and at harvest stage was 7, 10 and 10.5gm−2 respectively. Further, the total yield and number of spikelets per m2 for 'HOHOEMI' were 550gm−2and 30,000 and that of 'TSUKUSHIWASE' were 560gm−2and 26,000 respectively.
[Keyword: Brown rice, Early variety, Nitrogen content, Nitrogen uptake, Rice ]
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