福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告21 (2002) pp 62-66



1 タイストール牛舎での有病率は,後肢外蹄の蹄底出血および白帯病,後肢内・外蹄の 蹄踵びらんが高く,症状は重い。関節周囲炎は後肢の有病率が高く症状は重い。
2 フリーストール牛舎での有病率は,後肢外蹄の蹄底出血および白帯病が高く症状は重 い。また,蹄踵びらんの有病率は前肢および後肢の内・外蹄ともに高く,症状は同程度 である。関節周囲炎の有病率は低い。
3 タイストール牛舎ではフリーストール牛舎よりも後肢外蹄の蹄底出血,蹄底潰瘍およ び後肢関節周囲炎の有病率が高く症状は重い。一方,フリーストール牛舎ではタイスト ール牛舎よりも前肢内・外蹄の蹄踵びらんと白帯病の有病率が高く,症状は重い。



 Epidemiologic Study on Hoof and Leg Diseases of Dairy Cows Housed Under Different System KITAZAKI Kouhei (Fukuoka Agricurtural Reserch Center, Chikusino, Fukuoka 818-8549,Japan)Bull.Fukuoka Agric.Res.Cent.21: 62 - 65(2002)
 This study was conducted to estimate the prevelance and analyze the pathologic grade of hoof and leg diseases in dairy cows by an epidemiological method. Cows investigated were kept under different housing conditions(tie-stalls and cubicles). In this study, the relative precision was 33%, and the critical rate was 5% . The results are as follows. 
1In the tie-stalls, the prevalence of sole haemorrhages and white zoon lesions in hind lateral claws and heel horn erosion in both hind lateral and medial claws were high and serious. Furthermore , the prevalence of periarthritis in hind limbs was high and serious.
2In the cubicles, the prevalence of sole haemorrhages and white zoon lesions in hind lateral claws was high and serious; whereas, The prevalence and symptoms of heel horn erosion in both fore and hind limbs were the same levels. Further, the prevalence of periarthritis in both fore and hind limbs was low .
3As for the tie-stalls, the prevalence of sole haemorrhages , sole ulcers in hind lateral claws and periarthritis in hind limbs was higher and more serious than those in cubicles. As for the cubicles, the prevalence of heel horn erosion and white zoon lesions in both fore lateral and medial claws was higher and more serious than those in the tie-stalls.
[Key words:dairy cow, hoof and leg disease, epidemiology, tie-stall, cubicles]

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