福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22(2003)   pp 80 - 84 


  石坂 晃・井上惠子・柴戸靖志


 ナスの促成栽培において,作業時間の削減や作業負担の軽減が見込まれる「垂直仕立」について, 慣行の4本V字仕立と比較して収量が多く,整枝作業時間が短くなるような株当たりの主枝本数を検討した。 また,3本垂直仕立と4本V字仕立について整枝作業中の姿勢を比較検討した。


 The Effect on Workability, Training Ease and Yield by the number of Main Branches in Vertical Training in the Forcing Culture of Eggplant. ISHIZAKA Akira, Keiko INOUE and Yasushi SHIBATO (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, JAPAN) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent.,:22 80 - 84 (2003)
 We examined the number of main branch in the forcing culture of eggplants which maximizes yields while reducing training and work time ley using vertical training instead of the typical 4-branch V-line training.

  1. In terms of the volume of yield per stock in the vertical training, this method with two or three branches brought about better yield than the four branch vertical training. While the yield of vertical training with four main branches was equivalent with the four branch vertical training
  2. In two branch vertical training, the training work time tended to increase more than with four branch V-line training about by 7%; in three or four branch vertical training, it was made less than four branch V-line training by 15%.
  3. Foregoing results, 3 branches vertical training is most practical, because of increased yield, and decreased training work time.
  4. When working with V-line training, workers spent more than 25% of their time squatting. However with vertical training, worker only spent 0.5% of their time squatting, a significant reduction.

[Key words : eggplant, forcing culture, main branch, training, work time, yield]

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