福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22(2003)  pp 61 - 68


  三井寿一・藤田幸一・末吉孝行・伏原 肇


 果実の着色が良く,食味が良好で果実の大きなイチゴ新品種の育成を目的に,‘久留米53号’と‘92-46’の交配組み合わせから, 促成栽培用品種‘福岡S6号’および‘福岡S7号’を育成した。
‘福岡S6号’は,草姿が‘とよのか’に比べてやや立性の中間型で,草高がやや高く,厳寒期にも矮化程度は小さい。頂果房の花芽分化時期は‘とよのか’ より遅く,出葉は‘とよのか’に比べて日数を要する。果実は球円錐形で整い,果皮色は濃赤で光沢が良好である。果実は重く,大きな果実の割合が多い。 果実の糖度は‘とよのか’と同等かやや高く,酸度は高く,食味が良い。。普通促成栽培における総収量は,‘とよのか’よりやや多い。


 New Strawberry Cultivar‘Fukuoka S 6'and ‘Fukuoka S 7' for Forcing Culture. MITSUI Hisakazu, Kouichi FUJITA, Takayuki SUEYOSHI and Hajime FUSHIHARA(Fukuoka Agric. Res.Cent., Chikusino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull.Fukuoka Agric.Res.Cent., 22:61 - 68(2003)

 Tow new varieties of strawberry ‘Fukuoka S 6'and‘Fukuoka S 7' were released in 2001. They were selected from a cross between‘Kurume 53' and‘92-46'.‘Fukuoka S 6' is semi-erect in growth habit and the plant is slightly taller than‘Toyonoka'. The plants do not tend to become dwarves even in mid-winter. The flower buds of the terminal cluster become differentiated in the middle of September, a few days later than with‘Toyonoka' under natural conditions. The leaf-emergence rate is slower than‘Toyonoka'. The shape of the fruit is uniformly globular conical and the fruit skin is shiny deep red. The average fruit size is somewhat larger than that of ‘Toyonoka'. The sugar content of fruit is the same as that of ‘Toyonoka' and its citric acid content is high. The total fruit yield of ‘Fukuoka S6' in normal forcing culture is slightly higher than that of ‘Toyonoka'.

 ‘Fukuoka S 7' is erect in growth habit and the plant is taller than‘Toyonoka'. The plants do not tend to become dwarves even in mid-winter. The flower buds of the terminal cluster become differentiated in the middle of September, a few days later than with‘Toyonoka' under natural conditions. The leaf-emergence rate is slower than‘Toyonoka'. The shape of the fruit is conic and the fruit skin is shiny deep red. Average fruit size is fairly larger than that of‘Toyonoka'. The sugar content and citric acid content the of fruit are slightly lower than those of‘Toyonoka'. Total fruit yield in normal forcing culture is the same as that of ‘Toyonoka'.

[Key words : strawberry, breeding, fruit coloring, large fruit, forcing culture]


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