福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告25 (2006) pp 53 - 57
太田 剛*・家守紹光・馬場武志
1 麦とイタリアンライグラスの混播は,すべての組み合わせにおいて,イタリアンライグラス単播や麦単播よりも乾物収量が高く,混播による増収効果が認められた。
2 麦とイタリアンライグラスの混播に適した播種時期は11月上旬であった。その時の乾物収量は,12月上旬播種と比べ,平均 134%の高収量であった。
3 混播に用いる麦の品種は,大麦の’ワセドリ二条’,エンバクの’スーパーハヤテ隼’が適しており,この2品種を用いると高い乾物収量を得られる。
4 混播に用いるイタリアンライグラスの品種が,乾物収量に及ぼす影響は小さく,早生品種’ニオウダチ’,晩生品種’マンモスB’の両品種ともに高い乾物収量を得られる。
Aptitude of Mixed Seeding of Barley, Oat, Triticale and Rye with Italian Ryegrass in November and December. OHTA Takeshi, Tsugumitsu KAMORI and Takeshi BABA. (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka, 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 25:125-129 (2006)
The yield of Italian ryegrass seeded in November and December tends to be low. The mixed seeding of barley (3 varieties), oat (2 varieties), triticale, rye with Italian ryegrass (2 varieties) was examined to improve the yield. Yields of the mixed seeding were compared with each single seeding, and optimum seeding time and variety combinations were clarified. (1) Yields from a mixed seeding of any combination were higher than any each single seeding and the effect of yield increase with a mixed seeding was supported. (2) The yield from a mixed seeding in November was higher by an average of 134 % compared to the yield from the mixed seeding in December. (3) The barley variety, 'Wasedori Nijo' and the oat variety, 'Super Hayate Hayabusa' were considered appropriate to combine with Italian ryegrass because the yields of their mixed seeding with Italian ryegrass were high. (4) The variety of Italian ryegrass did not have much influence on the mixed seeding yield. Both 'Nioudachi' and 'Mammoth B' were found appropriate to use for mixed seeding.
[Key words: mixed seeding, barley, oat, Italian ryegrass, seeding time]