福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告25 (2006) pp 37 - 41
末吉孝行*・下村克己・古賀 武・山村裕一郎1)・嶽本弘之2
飼育箱(30×40×30cm)内における草丈が30cmで葉数 2.5枚のネギ 9株に対し,雌の成虫を 9頭または 5頭を 8時間放飼する条件が抵抗性の評価に適した。ネギ25品種についてネギハモグリバエ抵抗性を検定した結果,ネギハモグリバエの放飼 8時間後の葉身上の吸汁痕数や 5日後の葉身中の寄生幼虫数に品種間差異が認められた。供試した品種の中では,‘北葱’は吸汁痕数や幼虫数が少なかった。‘北葱’はネギハモグリバエ抵抗性の小ネギ品種を育成するための交配母本として有用であると考えられた。
The Varietal Differences in Resistance to Stone Leek Leafminer in Welsh Onions. SUEYOSHI Takayuki, Katsumi SHIMOMURA, Takeshi KOGA, Yuuichirou YAMAMURA and Hiroyuki TAKEMOTO (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent.25:37-41 (2006)
We examined the varietal differences in resistance to stone leek Leafminer in Welsh onions by releasing adult female stone leek Leafminer on Welsh onions in cages.
Releasing five or nine adult females for eight hours per nine Welsh onion stocks with a plant height of 30 cm and 2.5 leaves was suitable for evaluating resistance. As a result of examining resistance to stone leek Leafminer in 25 Welsh onion varieties, there were varietal differences in the number of feeding marks after eight hours and the number of larvae after five days. The number of feeding marks and the number of larvae were lowest for the Welsh onion‘Beicong' of all offered varieties. The Welsh onion variety Beicong seemed to be useful for breeding Welsh onion varieties with good resistance to stone leek Leafminer.
[Keyword:'Beicong', releasing, resistance, stone leek leafminer, varietal difference, Welsh onion]