福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告19 (2000) pp 98 - 100






 Effect of Manipulation with Simple Manipulator before Cryopreservation on Development and Pregnancy of Poor-Quality Transferred Frozen Bovine Embryos KASA Shojiro, Shuji UEDA, Yoshihiro ISOZAKI, Yoshinori HIRASHIMA and Miyuki MORI(Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 19: 98 - 100 (2000)
 Of bovine embryos that were obtained by superovulation about twenty percent of them had 30% to 50% of degenerate embryonal cells (poor-quality embryos). Since the poor-quality embryos are susceptible to injury in the process of cryopresevation, most of them are transferred fresh. We developed a simple hand-made manipulator for dissecting the zona pellucida and removing the degenerate part before cryopresevation in order to investigate its effect on the development and pregnancy of transferred manipulated embryos. The poor-quality embryos that were manipulated by the simple hand-made manipulator and cultured for 20-24h before freezing made clear difference in the inner cell mass and trophoblast, with a pregnancy rate of 50%. 
[Key words : bovine, poor-quality embryos, manipulator, dissecting the zona pellucida, degenerate part, pregnancy]


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