福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告19 (2000) pp 94 - 97
Effects of The Supplementation of Dry Brewers' Grain on Fattening Performance of Holstein Steers. HIRASHIMA Yoshinori, Tetsuya KOGA and Shigeru TOKUMITSU(Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 19: 94 - 97 (2000)
Eighteen Holstein steers were divided into three groups to investigate the effect of dry brewers' grain supplementaion in their diet on fattening performance. Fattening periods were divided into three stages with the early one being for steers 8 to 12 months old, the middle one for those from 12 to 15 months and the last for steers 15 to 20 months old. Group A was fed a fattening diet without the brewers' grain for all periods. Group B was fed the fattening diet supplemented with 10% brewers' grain (content of the total mixed rations) in the early and middle periods. Group C was fed the fattening diet supplemented with 20% brewers' grain in the early and 10% in the middle period. All the steers were fed the same diet in the last period. The content level of TDN( % on DM) for the three groups was the same : 71% in the early stage, 78% in the middle and 82% in last fattening period. The final body weight before slaughter ranged from 700kg to 720kg. Daily gain, DM intake and TDN intake were not different among the three groups in each period. There were no statistical differences among the three groups for the average daily gain and the carcass weight. Compared to groups A and B, Group C showed tendencies for a wider rib eye area and thicker ribs along with higher beef marbling standard numbers and firmness grades B. These results suggested that the total mixed rations supplemented with the dry brewers' grain could be an improvement factor in fattening Holstein steers.
[Key words : Holstein steers, fattening period, dry brewers' grain, carcass trait]
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