福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告19 (2000) pp 81 - 84






  Antioxidative Activity of Fresh and Heated Vegetable Extracts. KUBOTA Akira and Sumitaka YAMASHITA(Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 19: 81 - 84 (2000)
  Four vegetable extracts were investigated for the antioxidative activity polyphenol content and changes due to heat processing method. According to the β-carotene discoloring method, the antioxidative activity of the extracts from spinach, eggplant, carrot and welsh onion decreased due to the heat from boiling compared to the fresh extracts. The antioxidative activity of the extracts from steamed spinach, microwave-heated eggplant and baked carrot increased because of the heating process. The polyphenol content of the extracts from spinach, eggplant and welsh onion decreased significantly due to the heat of boiling. The polyphenol content of baked carrot and microwave-heated eggplant increased due to the heating process. A good positive correlation between the antioxidative activity by theβ-carotene discoloring method and the polyphenol content level of the spinach extract was observed. The antioxidative activity estimation derived from the β-carotene discoloring method and the ferric thiocynate method were the same for carrot and welsh onion. The antioxidative activity found in fresh vegetables remained and even increased because of the choice of a heating method.
[Key words:vegetables, heating process, antioxidative activity, polyphenol content]


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