福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告19 (2000) pp 32 - 36
馬場孝秀・山口 修・古庄雅彦
Optimum Cultivation Method in New Two-rowed Malting Barley Cultivar 'HOUSHUN'.
BABA Takahide, Osamu YAMAGUCHI and Masahiko FURUSHO (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino,
Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 19: 32 - 36(2000)
We clarified the growth characteristics and examined the optimum cultivation method in a new two-rowed malting barley cultivar 'HOUSHUN'.
'HOUSHUN' was 3 - 4 days earlier than 'AMAGI NIJO' in maturing at any seeding time. 'HOUSHUN' had a higher plump grain rate and yield than 'AMAGI NIJO', and resulted in a smaller yield decrease even in late seeding.
In 'HOUSHUN', the difference in seeding time influenced yield, grain appearance and malting quality. Yield and malting quality deteriorated by late seeding. On the other hand, yield did not differ significantly in the seeding rate, which ranged from 150 seedlings/u to 250 seedlings/u, but lodging became severe by dense sowing. There was no significant difference in seeding rate on grain appearance and malting quality. We concluded that the optimum cultivation method for obtaining high grain quality with a stable yield was seeding at the beginning of December with 150 seedlings/u.
[Key words: cultivation method, grain appearance, high quality, HOUSHUN, malting barley, seeding time]
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