福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告19 (2000) pp 17−20
第1報 食味からみた最適籾数、収量および食味向上のための穂肥施用法
1 良食味の下限値を食味総合評価−0.2(コシヒカリ基準)とした場合、これに対応し た精米中のタンパク質含有率は7.2%(乾物中)であった、
2 ‘つくし早生’のタンパク質含有率7.2%に対応するu当たり籾数は27,000粒、収量 は56s/a程度であった。
3 穂肥を慣行よりやや早めて施用するか、慣行施肥法の2回目の穂肥省略により、収量 性は維持され、精米中のタンパク質含有率が低下し、食味が向上した。
The Cultivation Method for Improved Palatability in the Rice Cultivar 'TSUKUSHIWASE' I. Optimum Number of Spikelets and Yield per Unit Field Area and Topdressing Application for Improved Palatability. IWABUCHI Tetsuya, Kohei TANAKA, Takefumi OGATA and Yuji HAMACHI(Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka, 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent.19: 17 - 20 (2000)
This study was carried out to establish cultivation techniques that serve to palatability by targeting the number of spikelets and yield per unit field area and modifying topdressing application.
(1)The values overall eating quality were -0.2 with the reference cultivar for the sensory test being Koshihikari with 7.2%(water content based on 0%)protein content for milled rice.
(2)The number of spikelets per u was 27,000 and yield per a was 56kg with a 7.2% protein content for milled 'TSUKUSHIWASE's rice.
(3)The milled rice protein content decreased, the palatability improved and yield maintained with cultivation methods in which the date of the topdressing application at the panicle formation stage was advanced to some degree from the standard application or the second application of topdressing was omitted from the standard application method.
[Key words: Number of Spikelets, Palatability, Protein content, Rice, 'TSUKUSHIWASE']
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