福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 190 - 193



 ニューカッスル病(ND)を予防するため,従来のワクチンでは頻回に接種する必要があることから,接種回数の低減のため近年ニューカッスル病オイルアジュバントワクチン(NDOE)が開発された。NDOEの接種効果を明らかにするため,生後16週齢時にNDOEを接種した採卵鶏のニューカッスル病赤血球凝集阻止抗体価(NDHI)の推移と,NDOEを接種した種鶏から生産された雛の移行抗体の持続性について調査した。@NDHI抗体価は,接種後21〜28日後に幾何平均値(GM)2,200〜3,043のピークに達し,良好な抗体上昇が認められた。Aピーク後のNDHI抗体価は漸次低下傾向を示し,休産処理に起因する抗体価への影響は認められず,101週齢においてもGM89〜179と,ND発生防御のための抗体価を有していた。B雛への移行抗体は初生時においてGM値約200を有していたが,約4日の半減期で減少し,3週齢においてGM値8まで低下した。このことから,NDOEを接種した採卵鶏は,長期間にわたりNDワクチン接種の省略が可能である。また,NDOE接種種鶏から生産された雛の1〜4日齢のNDワクチンの省略が出来ることが示唆 された。


  Remaiming Antibody Level in layers Vaccinated with Newcastle Disease Oil Emulsion Vaccine (NDOE) and Transmission of Maternal Antibody in Progenies. Kzuhiko IMAMURA, Yuji KOJIMA, Kenichi ASADA and Kouichi IDEMITU (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. , Chikushino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agic. Res. Cent. 14 : 190-193 (1995)
  For the purpose of investigating the effect of NDOE, layers were vaccinated with NDOE at the 16th week after hatch and kept under closed observation for 101 weeks in order to investigate their immunity level against ND. The chickens borne by the layers were also examined over the remaining inherited immunity against ND. 1. The antibody level reached a peak during the period between the 21st and the 28th day after the NDOE injection and desirably high antibody level (Geometrical Average 2,200 - 3,043) was recognized. 2. The antibody level gradually decreased after the immunity peak. The layers were kept under forced molting, antibody level was not affected. Even in the 101th week after hatch they preserved, the antibody levels of GM 89 - 179 , that is sufficient to resist ND. 3. The progenies with transmission of maternal antibody protection against ND showed an average antibody level of GM 200 at hatch. The half-life period of the antibody levels was 4 days. The antibody levels decreased to less than GM 8 at the 3th week after hatch. These was concluded that the layes injected with NDOE can be omitted for ND vaccination, and ND vaccination was not necessary 1 - 4 day-old progenies.
[Key words : Layer, Newcastle disease, Oil emulsion vaccine, Transmission of maternal antibody, Forced molting]

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