福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22(2003) pp 11 - 18


  濱地勇次・大里久美・川村富輝・今林惣一郎・西山 壽・和田卓也・吉野 稔・安長知子


 水稲新品種‘つくしろまん’は福岡県農業総合試験場において,早生及び強稈の良食味品種の育成を目標として, 1992年に極早生及び良食味の‘ちくし6号’(後の‘夢つくし’)と,早生,強稈及びいもち病圃場抵抗性が優れる‘中部88号’を交配した組合せから育成された。特性は以下のとおりである。出穂期及び成熟期は‘日本晴’と同程度で,福岡県の熟期区分では“早生”に属し,やや短稈で, 草型は“偏穂数型”の粳種である。耐倒伏性及び穂発芽性はともに“中”である。いもち病抵抗性遺伝子“Pii ”を持つと推定され,圃場抵抗性は 葉いもち,穂いもちともに“やや弱”で,白葉枯病も“やや弱”である。収量性は‘日本晴’と同程度である。‘日本晴’と比較して,心白米の発生は やや多いが,腹白米の発生はやや少なく,玄米品質は同程度の“中の中”である。炊飯米に光沢があり,粘りが強いのが特長で,食味総合評価は ‘コシヒカリ’や‘ヒノヒカリ’より優れる“上の上”で,1年間を通して貯蔵による食味低下が小さい。精米のアミロース含有率及び蛋白質含有率は ‘ヒノヒカリ’よりそれぞれ1.5%,0.2%程度低く,アミログラム特性やテクスチャー特性の理化学的特性も優れる。


 A New Rice Cultivar , 'TSUKUSHIROMAN' . HAMACHI Yuji, Kumi F. OOSATO, Yoshiteru KAWAMURA, Souitirou IMABAYASHI, Hisashi NISHIYAMA, Takuya WADA, Minoru YOSHINO and Tomoko YASUNAGA (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 22: 11 - 18 (2003)

 A New Rice Cultivar 'TSUKUSHIROMAN' developed at Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center in 2002 was selected from the cross between 'CHIKUSHI 6' (YUMETSUKUSHI later on) and 'CHUBU 88'. The Objective of this breeding program was to develop an early-maturing rice cultivar with high palatability and resistance to lodging and blast. It was released as a promising early-maturing rice cultivar with a high and stable palatability in Fukuoka Prefecture in 2002. The heading and maturing date are similar to those of 'NIPPONBARE'. The plant is a partial panicle number type with slightly short culm. The resistances to lodging and pre-harvest sprouting are medium. It has the blast resistance gene Pii and the field resistances to blast and bacterial leaf blight are weak. The quality of husked rice and yield ability are similar to those of 'NIPPONBARE'.

 It has a better appearance, stronger stickiness and higher overall eating-quality of cooked rice than those of 'KOSHIHIKARI' and 'HINOHIKARI', and the degree of palatability deterioration of the rice stored at room temperature for one year is relatively low. Furthermore, the amylose content and protein content of milled rice are lower than those of 'HINOHIKARI' by about 1.5% and 0.2%, respectively. The maximum viscosity and breakdown in amylographic characteristics are higher, and Hardness/Adhesion (H/-H) ratio and Hardness/Adhesiveness (H/A) ratio in textural characteristics are lower than those of 'HINOHIKARI'. These results indicate that 'TSUKUSHIROMAN' has excellent palatability and physicochemical properties of milled rice, and has high storage ability in terms of palatability. It is mainly adapted to normal season culture in flat areas except for blast infected areas.

[Key word : breeding, cultivar, early-maturing, high palatability, physicochemical properties, rice, storage ability]


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