福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22 (2003) pp 1 - 5

 第3報 ‘夢つくし’の窒素吸収量と食味



 良食味品種‘夢つくし’の食味を重視した窒素吸収量指標値を明らかにした。 各生育時期までの窒素吸収量は,移植35日後までに1.9gm-2, 幼穂形成期までに4.3gm-2,穂揃期までに7.6gm-2, 成熟期までに9.3gm-2とするのが適当と考えられた。 このときの玄米窒素含有率は1.30×10gkg-1以下に抑えられ, 食味総合評価の水準はコシヒカリに対して+0.1以上は確保できる。また, 収量については高収年には550gm-2程度期待できる。


 Influence of Varietal Characteristics and Uptake of Nitrogen on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Rice in Fukuoka Prefecture (3). The Relationship between Nitrogen Uptake and Palatability for the Rice Variety of 'YUMETSUKUSHI'. ARAKI Masato, Tomizou YAMAMOTO and Yukie MITSUDA (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 22: 1 - 5  (2003)

 We established an objective of nitrogen uptake to keep the level of palatability for the rice variety 'YUMETSUKUSHI'. The results revealed that the amount of N uptake for keeping the high level of palatability was 1.9 gm-2 at 35 days after transplanting, 4.3 gm-2 at panicle formation stage, 7.6 gm-2 at full heading stage and 9.3  gm−2 at harvest stage. If these N uptakes were achieved, N content in brown rice could come to 13 gkg-1 and the score of palatability compared with ‘KOSHIHIKARI’ could be +0.1 points. Furthermore, the yield could be 550 gm-2 in a high yielding year.

[Keyword: Nitrogen content in brown rice, Nitrogen uptake, Palatability, Rice, YUMETSUKUSHI ]

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