福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告18 (1999) pp 101 - 105





 Influences of Parity and Calving Season on Lactation Curve described by a Multiple Regression Model in Northern Kyushu. KOGA Yasuhiro and Katuyuki YAMASHITA (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Rec. Cent.. 18 : 101 - 105 (1999)
 The features of lactation curves in the different parity and calving season were investigated, using a multiple regression model based on 2,993 Holstein milk performance test records in Fukuoka. The peak daily milk yield and the 305-day milk yield calculated by the lactation curve formula in the second parity were 20.9% and 10.7%, respectively, higher than those in the first parity. The peak daily milk yield and the 305-day milk yield were highest in the forth parity. The persistency index of lactation in the first parity was highest, and that in the second parity was lowest. The peak daily milk yield in the case of calving in Jan.-Mar. was higher than that of calving in other month, and the daily milk yield after the peak fell more rapidly. The peak daily milk yield in the case of calving in Apr.-Jun. was lower than that of calving in other month, but the daily milk yield after the peak fell gradually. The influences of calving season on the peak daily milk yield and the persistency index of lactation were more pronounced in the dairy cattle with the capacity of 305-day milk yield level above 9,000kg than in those with the lower capacity.
[Key words: lactaion curve, parity, calving season, daily milk yield]



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