福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告25 (2006) pp 83 - 87
藤島宏之*・矢羽田第二郎・松田和也・千々和浩幸・林 公彦1)
カキ‘太秋’を高接ぎ後,平棚仕立て法に移行してから 4〜 5カ年の着花数,収量,果実品質の推移を立ち木仕立て法と比較した。 1樹当たりの結果母枝数,新梢数は,仕立て法の違いに関係なく年次を経るごとに増加したが,平棚仕立て法の方が立ち木仕立て法より多い傾向があった。結果母枝当たりの雌花数は年次による変動があったが,仕立て法による顕著な差異は認められなかった。しかし,結果母枝長別の雌花数は,50p以上の結果母枝において平棚樹で顕著に多かった。 1樹当たりの雌花数は樹齢とともに増加する傾向があり,年次によっては樹間のばらつきによる変動があるものの,平棚仕立て法の方が立ち木仕立て法より多い傾向があった。平棚仕立て法による‘太秋’の 1樹当たりの収穫果数,収量は立ち木仕立て法に比べて多い傾向があり,特に平棚仕立て法に移行後 2年目以降の累積収量は立ち木仕立て法に比べて顕著に多かった。平棚仕立て法による‘太秋’の果実品質は,立ち木仕立て法と顕著な違いはなかった。
Characteristics of Sex Expression, Yield and Fruit Quality of the Japanese Persimmon ‘Taishuu' on a Horizontal Trellis Training System. FUJISHIMA Hiroyuki, Daijirou YAHATA, Kazuya MATSUDA,Hiroyuki CHIJIWA and Kimihiro HAYASHI (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 8188549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 25:83-87 (2006)
For four to five years, after top-grafting the Japanese persimmon ‘Taishuu' we compared the number of flowers, yields, and fruit quality between an open center free-standing system and a horizontal trellis training system. There was an increase in the number of lateral branches and shoots per tree over the years both in the horizontal trellis training system and the conventional system, regardless of the system; however, the number of lateral branches and shoots per tree tended to be more than those in the open center free-standing system. The number of female flowers per a lateral branch differed by year, but there was no significant difference in number between the two systems. However, on lateral branches longer than 50 cm, the number of female flowers increased remarkably on the horizontal trellis training system. There were more female flowers per tree on the horizontal trellis training system than on the open center free-standing system, although there is a tendency for the number of female flowers to increase with a tree's age and for variations between trees by year. There was a tendency for the number of harvested fruits and yield to be higher per ‘Taishuu' tree on the horizontal trellis training system compared to those harvested in the open center free-standing system. Of particular note is that the amount of harvested fruit per tree, after two years on the horizontal trellis training system, was remarkably higher than those that of the open center free-standing trellises. There was no significant difference in ‘Taishuu' fruit quality between the systems.
[key words: Japanese persimmon, 'Taishuu', horizontal trellis training system, female flower, lateral branch, fruit quality]