福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告25 (2006) pp 43 - 46
ソラマメの筑後南部地域における 4月出し安定栽培法を検討した。分枝3本L字仕立てで 1分枝当たり14莢着莢させる場合,1節1莢で14節着莢の方が1節2莢で 7節着莢させるより 2粒以上莢の総収量が高かった。
品種に‘ハウス陵西’を用い,催芽種子の低温処理を施さずに10月25日頃播種し,12月下旬〜 1月上旬にビニルトンネルを始め 3月末まで被覆すると, 4月の収量が確保できるとともに 3粒以上莢の収量および総収量が高かった。なお,催芽種子の低温処理は, 4月の収量向上に有効であったが, 3粒以上莢の収量が低下した。
[キーワード:ソラマメ, 4月出し,適品種,トンネル被覆時期,収量]
Stable Cultivation Method of Broad Beans for April Harvest in the Southern Chikugo Area
MIZUKAMI Koji and ODAHARA Koji (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 25:43-46 (2006)
A study was carried out to assess a method for the stable cultivation of broad beans for April harvest in the southern Chikugo area. When a three-branch broad bean plant was trained to an L-shape so that 14 pods (one pod per node) would grow on each branch, the growth of pods with two or more beans outnumbered the branches with seven nodes (two pods per node), promising an overall better yield.
Seeding is best done on about October 25 using pre-germinated 'Hausuryousai' seeds which have not been given a low temperature treatment. Then, using a plastic-tunnel covering starting from late December or early January until the end of March, an overall good yield was realized with more pods containing three or more beans, contributing to a high yield. The number of pods producing more than three beans was found to decrease, though the yield in April improved when pre-germinated seeds that had received a low temperature treatment were used.
[Key words: broad bean, harvest in April, suitable variety, plastic-tunnel covering time, yield]