福岡県農業総合試験場24(2005)  pp117−121
 This study was carried out to establish a method for a stable yield of high protein wheat to be harvested after soybeans in the heavy clay paddy field of the Chikugo district of Fukuoka prefecture. The optimum sowing rate and the level of nitrogen fertilization of SHIROGANEKOMUGI and CHIKUGOIZUMI, which are the two main wheat varieties of Fukuoka prefecture, were examined.
 In SHIROGANEKOMUGI about 7kg per 10 a of standard sowing rate proved excellent, and for CHIKUGOIZUMI about 5kg per 10 a which is reduced by 2kg from the standard sowing rate was optimum. And, in SHIROGANEKOMUGI a formula of 3+6+2 (the basal fartilization + first topdressing + second topdressing) kg per 10 a of standard fertilizer level was just right for the level of nitrogen fertilizer, in the CHIKUGOIZUMI culture technique as 3+4+2kg per 10 a of standard fertilizer level and 0+7+2kg of basal fertilization omission was acceptable.
 The correlation of the yield and the grain protein content with the level of nitrogen fertilization was higher than that with the sowing rate, suggesting that the yield and the grain protein content of the seeds were more influenced by the level of nitrogen fertilization in SHIROGANEKOMUGI. In the case of CHIKUGOIZUMI, the yeild was more influenced by sowing rate and the grain protein content rate was more influenced by the level of nitrogen fertilization.
[Key words: after soybean, wheat, sowing rate, level of nitrogen fertilization, grain protein content]

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