福岡県農業総合試験場24(2005) pp 113−116
 The Size of Mat Rush Seedlings to be Loaded on Seedling Boxes of Pot Transplanting Machine and the Period for Raising Seedlings and Optimal Transplant Time to Paddies. INOUE Takuji,Yusuke FUKUSHIMA and Tsuyoshi SUMIYOSHI (Fukuoka Agricultural Reseach Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull.Fukuoka Agric.Res.Cent 24:113−116(2005)
 The size of mat rush seedlings to be put in seedling box of a transplanting machine, raising of seedling periods and optimal transplant time to suitable rice paddies were clarified. As to the sizse of the seedling stoke , those with 2stems-2buds and 2stems-1bud showed similler rotes of plant death and missing plants; those with 3stems-2buds and 3stems-1bud had higher rotes. The number of stems of the pot seedlings was about a half compared to seedlings manually transplanted and the number of tillers was also small. However, small new tillers of 3cm or less abounded from the 50days of transplanting and the growth was not hindered in the early stage, when raising of seedling periods were presumed to be 60days. In the pot culture stocks, compared to manually transplanted stocks, the number of stems per stock was fewer. The growth by the end of March was delayed, however, the number of stems in the harvesting were aboudand. There was little dalay in the growth of the machine transplanted seedlings by the early spring when they were transplanted to a paddy field from early to mid-November. Also, the yield was a little larger on equal compared to manually transplanted stocks. The main characteristies of the mat rush of the former was equal with root of the latter.
[Key words:mat rush,pot seedling,machine transplantation,press seedling,transplantation optimal timing]

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