福岡県農業総合試験場24(2005) pp104−107
イチジク新品種‘H156-70 ’の育成
野方 仁・粟村光男
A New Fig Cultivar ‘H156-70'. NOGATA Hitoshi and Mitsuo Awamura (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan ) Bull.Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent.24: 104 -107 (2005)
‘H156-70' is a new common type fig cultivar that bears high quality fruit by parthenocarpy. It was selected from a progeny of ‘H180-156' and ‘M106-238'.
Tree performance, tree vigor and density of shoots are medium. The straight line training method can be applied as in ‘MASUI DAUPHINE' trees. The leaf size is smaller than those of both ‘MASUI DAUPHINE' and ‘HOURAISHI'. The number of lobes is from 5 to7.
‘H156-70' parthenocarpically produces a few first crops and numerous second crops. The fruit shape is ovate, the average of fruit weight is 83g and almost equal to that of ‘HOURAISHI'. The skin color is red purple and the coloring proportion of the skin is higher than that of‘HOURAISHI'. The color of the pistil is red, and the fruit receptacle is thick. The fruit quality is excellent because the flesh has a fine texture and is both sweet and juicy. Fruit cracking occurs in a small proportion and the keeping quality of the second crop is medium. The harvesting season of the second crops begins in the middle of August, which is almost equal to that of ‘HOURAISHI'.The yield isthe sameas that of‘HOURAISHI'.
The resistance to both Phytophthora and Root-knot nematodes is low, but resistance to Thrips ismedium or high.
[Key words:fig,new cultivar,breeding,common type]
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