福岡県農業総合試験場24(2005) pp94-98
鶏が利用できない植物性飼料中リン(フィチン態リン)の利用率を向上させ,排泄リン量を低減させるフィチン態リン分解酵素(フィターゼ)の植物性飼料への適正添加水準について検討を行った。試験は,非フィチン態リン(有効リン)0.16%の植物性飼料にフィターゼを0,75,150,300,450単位/kg添加した区を設定し,対照区は有効リン0.35%の動物性飼料給与区とした。フィターゼを添加しない区では,産卵率は対照区に比べ有意に低下した。フィターゼの添加量を0,75 単位/ kgにした区では破卵率が増加した。添加量を150,300単位/kg添加した区では, 対照区に比べ産卵率, 日産卵量, 飼料消費量, 飼料要求率に有意な差はなかった。排泄リン量は,対照区に比べ低リン植物性飼料給与区で有意に低減した。また,フィターゼを150,300単位/kg添加した場合の卵1kg当たりの植物性飼料費は, 動物性飼料費に比べ同等か少ない。これらのことから, 有効リン0.16%の植物性飼料を採卵鶏に給与する場合, 産卵成績を低下させることなく排泄リン量を低減できるフィターゼの添加量は,150〜300単位/kgであると考えられた。
Supplementing Corn-Soybean Meal Diets for Laying Hens with Phytase Improved Phosphorus Absorption. Kae IKEDA, Eriko FUKUHARA,Yusuke NISHIO,Kiyomi TAGUCHI (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikusino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 24:94 - 98 (2005)
This study was conducted to evalute the levels of supplemental phytase which would increase P availability in corn-soybean meal diets and would decrease P excretion in laying hens.
Corn-soybean meal diets containing 0.16% available P were supplemented with a phytase content 0, 75, 150, 300 or 450 (phytase units(FTU)/kg diet).We used comercially available fish-meal based diets for the laying hens control group.There was a drop in egg production as expected for the group given the diet of 0FTU/kg ;the group given the diet of 0, 75FTU/kg resulted in increase broken soft-shelled eggs. For the group given the diet of 150FTU/kg, the same increase in broken soft-shelled eggs occured in older hens(52 to 64 weeks of age, summer term). there was no significant differences in egg production, egg yield, feed consumption and feed per egg between the groups given 150 and 300FTU/kg, and the control group. For the group given corn-soybean meal diets, P excretion decreased intentionally compared with the control group.The cost of 150, 300 FTU/kg diet for producing 1kg of eggs is almost equivalent or less compared with the cost of the control deit. The results of this study indicated that from 150 to 300 FTU/kg diet remained good egg production and decreased P excretion.
[Key word:low-phosphate corn-soybean meal diets, laying hens, phytase, phosphate excretion, available phosphate ]
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