福岡県農業総合試験場24(2005) pp82-87
稲田 淳・古賀鉄也・磯崎良寛
蒸気乾燥トウフ粕の給与量が肥育牛の産肉性等へ及ぼす影響を明らかにするために, 乳用種去勢牛17頭を用い飼養試験を実施した。給与飼料中への蒸気乾燥トウフ粕の混合割合(乾物重量割合)により多給区 (肥育前中期25%, 後期20%) , 少給区 (肥育前中期12.5%, 後期10%) および無給区( 肥育全期間0%)の3区を設定し, 全肥育期間を通じて給与した場合の産肉性および枝肉性状に及ぼす影響について検討した。
発育成績および出荷時体重は多給区が他の試験区と比較して劣ったが, 少給区と無給区の間に有意な差は認められなかった。枝肉の牛肉色基準値は, 蒸気乾燥トウフ粕を給与した肥育牛において向上する傾向があった。また, 牛体脂肪中の高度不飽和脂肪酸割合は, 蒸気乾燥トウフ粕給与割合の増加に伴い上昇した。
これらのことから, 蒸気乾燥トウフ粕を肥育用混合飼料へ添加して乳用種去勢肥育牛に給与する場合, 乾物で肥育前中期12.5%, 後期10%程度が適当であることおよび蒸気乾燥トウフ粕給与により枝肉の牛肉色基準値が向上するとともに, 体脂肪中の高度不飽和脂肪酸割合が上昇することが明らかとなった。
Effects of Steam Dried Tofu Cake Supplementation on Fattening and Carcass Characteristics of Holstein Steers. SUNAO Inada, Tetsuya KOGA and Yoshihiro ISOZAKI(Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull.Fukuoka Agric.Res.Cent.24:82−87(2005)
Seventeen Holstein steers were divided into three groups to investigate the effect of steam dried tofu cake supplementation in their diet in terms of fattening and carcass characteristics. Group A was fed a fattening diet without steam dried tofu cakes during the fattening period as a control group. Group B and C were fed a fattening diet supplemeted with 12.5% and 25% (as a dry basis %)steam dried tofu cakes respectively during the first and middle fattening piriods. This was supplemeted with 10% and 20% steam dried tofu cakes respectively, during the final fattening period. Althougth the final body weight and daily gain of Group C decreased compared with those of Group A and B, no difference was observable between Group A and B. The BCS No. of Group B and C were better than those of Group A. The polyunsaturated fatty acid composition in the fat tissue increased from the steam dried tofu cakes supplementation in their diet.
[Key words: Holstein steers, steam dried tofu cake , BCS No. , polyunsaturated fatty acid]