福岡県農業総合試験場24 (2005) pp78−81
We examined the therapeutic gain of ventrotomy for abomasal displacement in four Holstain steers that had gotten sick to middle term of fattening. The method of operations were paramedian incision. Three cases were left displaced abomasum(LDA) and another case was right displaced abomasum(RDA). The clinical signs and surgical findings were recorded for treatment period. And dry matter intake(DMI) were measured every day,body weight and dairy gain(DG) were measured every four weeks. At the physical examination, all cases were heavy inappitance. And percussion of the abdominal area was detected on the left or right side. At the operation, 2 LDA were distention of abomasum, and a LDA and a RDA were relaxation of abomasum. After the operarion, the clinical conditions were improved, therefore, DMI and body weights has increased. As the results of carcasses judjing, carcasses weight and rib eye areas were little small, but yield criterias were excellent. From these results, the ventrotomy by paramedian incision were effective to the abomasal displacement of Holstain beef cattle.
[Key words: abomasal displacement, paramedian incision, beef cattle, holstain, therepeutic gain]
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