福岡県農業総合試験場24(2005) pp48−52
森山友幸・井手 治・石坂 晃1)
キャベツの冬出し栽培において,窒素10kg/10aの速効性肥料の全面全層施肥と本県が開発した幅広型畝内施肥器を用いた窒素16kg/10aの緩効性肥料の畝内施肥を併用することにより,窒素施用量を慣行施肥の 2割減に相当する26kg/10aに削減しても慣行と同時期に収穫でき,同等の結球重が得られた。また,冬出し栽培において畝内施肥に用いる肥料は,低温期においても肥料成分が連続的に溶出する被覆尿素肥料入り配合肥料A:K-31,被覆尿素肥料入り配合肥料B:SR-203,被覆燐硝安加里肥料C:SL-424-70が適する。
[キ−ワ−ド:キャベツ,畝内施肥,窒素施用量,減肥 ,結球重,被覆肥料]
Method Using Applicator of Stripe Fertilizer into The Ridge for Reducing Fertilizing Total Amount on Cabbage Harvested in Winter. MORIYAMA Tomoyuki, Osamu IDE,and Akira ISIZAKA (Fukuoka Agric.Res. Cent.,Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric.Res.Cent
We have developed a machine that dispereses fertilizer over ridge in even nd wide strips. The Cabbages harvested in winter displayed equal
headweight compared to those grown according to the established amount of fertilizers, even thoughthe nitrogen applied was redused to 26kg per 10a (usual2×10% decrease). The coated fertilizer A: K-31, B:SR-203, C:SL-424-70 were suitable for
using applicator of stripe fertilizer into the ridge on cabbage harvested in winter.
[Key word:cabbage, application of stripe fertilizer in ridge, amount of nitorogen
fertilizer applied, decrease in the amount of fertilizer applied, head weight, coated
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