福岡県農業総合試験場24 (2005) pp 1−4
イチゴ‘あまおう’の品質特性 第1報 収穫時期,着色程度別の果実品質
堤 智博・山下純隆・大森 薫
収穫時期や着色程度の異なるイチゴ‘あまおう’の果実品質について調査した。組成別の糖含量は, 1月収穫果実において最も高く,糖含量に占めるスクロースの割合が高かった。全収穫期間を通して, 6分着色の果実は糖含量がやや低いものの,これより着色が進んだ果実では,糖含量に着色程度の違いによる一定の傾向は見られなかった。組成別の酸含量は,12月収穫果実が最も高く,12月から 2月にかけて低下傾向を示す。また, 3月以降は再び増加傾向を示し,着色程度の違いによる差が大きくなり,着色程度が低いほど酸含量が高い傾向が見られた。食味評価は, 1月収穫果実が特に味が濃く優れていた。 3月以降の食味の低下やバラツキの原因は,着色程度による滴定酸含量の差が大きいこと,糖含量の減少,および糖・酸組成の影響が大きいこも示唆された。果実硬度は,12月, 1月が他の時期と比べ相対的に硬く, 2月以降は軟らかくなる傾向にあった。また,着色程度が低いほど果実硬度は硬い傾向が見られた。
The Quality of Fruit in Strawberry ‘AMAOU’1) Effects of harvest period and degree of color on the quality of fruit. TSUTSUMI Tomohiro, Sumitaka YAMASHITA and Kaoru OOMORI(Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent 24: 1−4 (2005)
This study was carried out to clarify the effects of harvest period and degree of color on the quality of fruit in strawberry‘AMAOU’.The compositive sugar content of fruit harvested in January was higher than that of in other period, sucrose ratio to total sugar content was higher than in other period. Throughout harvest period , instead of the sugar content of the fruit was degree of color at six was a little lower, those of fruit above at seven was not tend to be regular on degree of color. The compositive acid content of fruit which was harvested in December was higher than those of other fruits. The fruits in which was harvested December to February, though it was tend to decrease, after March, it was tend to increase. The difference of the acid content by degree of fruit color became to be larger, the acid content was tend to be so high that the degree of fruit color was low. The quality of fruit which harvested in January in tasting evaluation especially was excellent. It seemed that the interval of the titratable acid content by degree of color, decrease in sugar content, the compositive sugar and acid content were greatly influenced by deterioration and variation in eating quality after March. The degree of texture of the fruit which was harvested in December and January was relatively hard than in other period, that harvested after February was tend to be tender. The degree of fruit color was lower, the texture of fruit was tend to be hard.
[Key words: ‘AMAOU’, harvest period, the degree of fruit color, the quality of fruit]
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