福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告23 (2004)   pp 54 - 58
井手 治・森山友幸・妹尾盛次1)・岡武康之1)・姫野修一
1 開発した送風式害虫捕集防除機は,軟弱葉菜類の葉上に着棲しているマメハモグリバエ等の害虫成虫を接触により飛翔させ,送風により捕集網に捕集する機構である。
2 本機は,女性や高齢者でも1人で容易に操作できるように2輪台車式で,機体材質のほとんどはアルミ製で,小型・軽量とした。
3 本機は,作物の種類,生育状況,ほ場条件により,作業高さ,作業幅を自在に調節することができる。
4 シュンギク栽培において,本機は1回の往復処理により73.7%のマメハモグリバエ成虫を捕集することができ,生育中期に7回の集中捕集処理を行うことにより,発生密度を顕著に抑えることができた。
 Development of an Insect Pest Control Machine Using a Blower for Soft Leaf Vegetables. IDE Osamu, Tomoyuki MORIYAMA, Moritugu SENOH, Yasuyuki OKATAKE and Syuichi HIMENO (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 23: 54 - 58 (2004)
 As a physical control method for noxious insect, in protected cultivation of soft leaf vegetables such as garland chrysanthemum and Brassica chinensis var. komatsuna, a pest collection machine incorporation a blower was developed with a view to efficiently get rid of noxious insect such as the Liriomyza trifolii
1. This machine is designed to cause noxious insects, such as the Liriomyza trifolii stick to soft leaf vegetables to be collected in a net efficiently by the action of the blower.
2. This machine is fitted on a 2-wheel carriage that can be easily operated by a woman or an elderly person. Aluminium is used on most parts of the frame making it both light and compact.
3. This machine is adjustable by height and width depending on type, growth stage, and field condition of the soft leaf vegetables.
4. In the garland chrysanthemum cultivation, this machine succeeded in collecting 73.7% Liriomyza trifolii by traveling from one end of the plot and back. Additionally, generation density remarkably diminished by daily collection treatment for about 7 days in the middle growth stage.
[Key words: soft leaf vegetables, physical control, blower, insect pest control machine, Liriomyza trifolii , generation density]
*連絡責任者  1)みのる産業株式会社  2)現豊前分場
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