福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告23 (2004)   pp 32 - 36
 ‘サチユタカ’は‘フクユタカ’に比べて,標準播種時期では開花期は 4〜 6日早く,成熟期は 6〜 7日早い早生種で,主茎は20cm程度短く,耐倒伏性は優れていた。収量は同等で,百粒重が重く,検査等級は同程度に優れている。豆腐加工適性は同程度に良好であった。開花期における光合成能力と関係の深い蒸散速度と窒素固定能を表す株当たり根粒の活性はともに高い傾向を示した。
 密播では,標準播種量に比べて主茎長は約 2cm長く,最下着莢高がやや高くなったが,倒伏は発生せず,収量はフクユタカに比べて 4〜 6%多収であった。登熟期の遮光処理による成熟期の遅延や収量低下の程度は,‘フクユタカ’に比べて小さい。また,遮光条件下で開花期に窒素追肥を施すと,減収防止効果が認められた。
 Characteristics of a New Soybean Cultivar 'SACHIYUTAKA' in Fukuoka Prefecture. OGATA Takefumi, Hirokazu SATO, Yosuke UCHIMURA, Nobuaki JINNOUCHI, Tetsuya IWABUCHI, Yoshiteru KAWAMURA and Yuji MATSUE (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 23: 32 - 36 (2004)
 Early-maturing soybean cultivar 'SACHIYUTAKA' was developed by National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region. It was tested at 7 different locations in Fukuoka Prefecture for standard sowing. The main characteristics of 'SACHIYUTAKA' compared with the check cultivar 'FUKUYUTAKA' were as follows.
(1) Maturing date; 'SACHIYUTAKA' became matured 6 to 7 days earlier than the check cultivar. (2) Stem length; The main stem was shorter, and there were slightly main stem nodes less than those of 'FUKUYUTAKA'. (3) Lodging resistance; Stronger than the check cultivar. Even though under the dence sowing, there was no lodging. (4) Disease resistance; The cultivar had the same degree of susceptibility to soybean virus and downy mildew. (5) Yielding ability; The yield was same as that of 'FUKUYUTAKA' and 100 grain weight were heavier. Under the dense sowing, this cultivar got 4 to 6% yields more than that of the check cultivar. Even under poor sunshine, the fall in yield was less than that of the check cultivar. (6)Seeds; Seeds was sphere and white yellow with white hilum and the protein content was slightly higher than that of 'FUKUYUTAKA'. (7) Tofu-making quality; Tofu-making quality was similar to 'FUKUYUTAKA'. (8) Photosynthetic ability and activity of root nodule; The transpiration rate, closely related with photosynthetic ability, and activity of root nodule were slightly superior to those of the check cultivar.
[Key words : early-maturing, lodging resistance, 'SACHIYUTAKA', shading, soybean]
*連絡責任者(農産部) 1)朝倉地域農業改良普及センター
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