福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22(2003)  pp 117 - 120




 温風により一時冷却された茶蒸葉を冷風で二次冷却することが,荒茶の品質に及ぼす影響を調査した。 二次冷却すると,蒸葉プール内の茶温は一時冷却のみに比べて,一番茶で5.1℃,二番茶で3.7℃低下し,約30℃以下となった。 荒茶のアスコルビン酸含量は高く保持され,色相は緑色系に留まった。品質は,一番茶では,色沢,香気が優れ, 二番茶では,色沢,香気,水色,滋味に優れた。荒茶の品質を向上させるには,蒸葉プールにおける茶音を30℃程度まで低下させる必要がある。 


 The effect of secondary cooling steamed tea shoot with cooled air to the quality of crude tea. MORIYAMA Hironobu, Shinichirou NAKAMURA, Kazuya MATSUDA and Teruki SAKAIDA (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 22: 117 - 120 (2003)

 The effect of secondary cool steamed tea shoot, which primary cooled with hot air, with cooled air to the quality of crude tea was investigated. Secondary cool steamed tea shoot with cooled air causes; tea leaf temperature in the steamed leaf pool was dropped 5.1℃ than only primary cooled ones in tea season of first crop, 3.7℃ in tea season of second crop, tea leaf temperature became 30℃ or under as a result. The ascorbic acid content of crude tea was kept higher, and hue left in the direction of green. Crude tea quality was superior to only primary cooled ones at color of made tea and at aroma in tea season of first crop, at color of made tea, at aroma, at color of liquor and at taste in tea season of second crop.

 To improve the quality of crude tea, it is necessary to cool down tea leaf temperature to about 30℃or under in the steamed leaf pool.

[Key words: tea, steamed tea shoot, secondary cooling, cooled air]

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