福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22(2003) pp 95 - 98
稲田 淳・平嶋善典・古賀鉄也・磯崎良寛
乳用種去勢牛13頭を用い,混合飼料中への麦焼酎粕(液)の添加割合(現物重量割合)を0%,15%及び30%として, 全肥育期間を通じて給与した場合の産肉性及び収益性に及ぼす影響について検討した。麦焼酎粕(液)を給与した肥育牛の乾物摂取量がやや減少する傾向があったものの, 増体に大きな差は認められなかった。また枝肉成績も,無添加の場合と比較して大きな差は認められず,枝肉販売額は同等であった。 麦焼酎液(粕)を30%添加した混合飼料を給与した肥育牛において,飼料単価が下がることにより飼料費が約11%低減し,肥育差益が1頭当たり18,000円程度増加した。
Effects of Barley Distiller's Residue (Liquid) Supplementation on Fattening Performance and Profitability of Holstein Steers. INADA Sunao , Yoshinori HIRASHIMA, Tetsuya KOGA and Yoshihiro ISOZAKI(Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 22: 95 - 98 (2003)
Thirteen Holstein steers were divided into three groups to investigate the effect of barley distiller's residue (liquid) supplementation in their diet on fattening performance and profitability. Group A was fed a fattening diet without barley distiller's residue during the fattening piriod. Group B and C were fed a fattening diet supplemented with 15% and 30% (as fed basis %)barley distiller's residue respectively during the fattening period. Although DM intake of Group B and C decreased compared with those of Group A, no difference was observable among the three groups in the final body weight and daily gain. The carcass traits and the price of carcass at auction were the same for the three groups. In those of group C, the unit price of feed was lower than for others, resulting in an economization of about 11% so that the fattening profit increased by about 18,000 yen per steer over those of Group A.
[Key words: Holstein steers, barley distiller's residue , fattening performance , fattening profitability]