福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22(2003)   pp 85 - 89







 Generation of Malformed Flowers and Low-temperature Exposure in Cropping Type Sunflowers Harvested in April. KUROYANAGI Naohiko, Toshihiro KUNITAKE, Yasuhiro SAKAI and Takahiro TANIGAWA. Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, JAPAN) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Cent., 22: 85 - 89 (2003)
 In unheated cultivation sunflowers of Fukuoka Prefecture harvested in April, malformed flowers have developed causing problems in cultivation. Two of the major malformations were "multiple flower", where more than one flower bloomed at the stem tip, and "stack flowers", where the terminal flower and side flowers adhered to each other.
 Using the 'Sunrich orange' variety, the relation between this malformed flower generation and the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application, level of soil moisture, and low-temperature exposure at the developmental stage of flower buds was examined. As a result of the examination, the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application and the level of soil moisture were found not to contribute to the generation of malformed flowers. However, all flowers became malformed when seeded in December, having been exposed to low temperature below the freezing point in the developmental stage of flower buds. Also, none of the flowers became malformed when seeded in January having not been exposed to low temperatures after flower-bud initiation. This fact suggests that low temperature exposure below the freezing point during the developmental stage of flower bud was the main factor inducing generation of malformed flowers. When low-temperature exposure (-3℃) was artificially staged, malformed flowers did not develop in the vegetative stage, while they developed after the growing point enlarged stage. The generation of malformed flowers tended to increase as the low-temperature exposure hours increased, and as the number of exposure days increased.

[Keyword: Sunflower, malformed flower, low-temperature exposure, flower bud development]


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