福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告22(2003) pp 38 - 42
2.‘あきさやか’の食味が‘コシヒカリ’並で,検査等級が優れ,さらに収量が安定した施肥方法は, 10a当たりの窒素量で基肥5kg,穂肥は第1回目が3kg,第2回目が2kgとし,施用時期は第1回目が出穂前18日頃,第2回目は出穂前11日頃である。
Fertilizer Application Method for High Quality・High Palatability and Stable Yield Using The New Rice Cultivar, ‘Akisayaka'. KAWAMURA Yoshiteru and Akiko ISHITUKA (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 22:38 - 42 (2003)
This study was carried out to establish nitrogen application techniques for high quality, high palatability and of stable yield for the recently developed late-maturing rice cultivar ‘Akisayaka'.
(1)Compared to ‘Reihou', ‘Akisayaka' had a higher number of spikelets and percentage of ripened grains, with yield increased by 5 to 7% .
(2)The fertilizer application method for high palatability, high inspection grade and stable yield for ‘Akisayaka' was as follows:
・5.0kg of nitrogen per 10a for basal dressing;
・3.0kg of nitrogen per 10a for the first application of top dressing at the panicle formationstage; and
・2.0kg of nitrogen per 10a for the second application of top dressing at the panicle formation stage.
With this fertilizing method, the palatability level of ‘Akisayaka' was judged the some as that of ‘Koshihikari',
(3)The palatability improved with a basal dressing application with reduced nitrogen content i.e. 2.0kg of nitrogen per 10a rather than 5.0kg, however yield per unit decreased by 3%.
(4)The percentage of ripened grains, thousand-kernel-weight and yield per unit uniformly decreased if the top dressing at panicle formation stage was applied one week earlier than usual, or if the second application of the top dressing at panicle formation stage was not applied at all.
[Key words: Rice, ‘Akisayaka', Palatability, Quality, Yield]