福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告18 (1999) pp 139 - 142
Relationship Between Various Methods of Measurement of Shell Quality and Percentage of Cracked Eggs in Several Commercial Strains of Hens. FUKUHARA Eriko and Masanobu TSURUSAKI (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the percentage of cracked eggs and 5 methods of measurement of shell quality; breaking strength, shell weight per unit surface area(SWUSA), percentage of shell and shell thickness in a 1993 test, and breaking strength, SWUSA, percentage of shell and specific gravity in a 1996 test.
Sample eggs were collected from 7 commercial strains; Dekalb XL-Link(DX), Julia(JU), Super-nick(SN), Hy-Line W-77(W77) and Shaver N21(SHA) in 1993, and DX, JU, SN, Hy-Line Maria(MA) and Sonia(SO) in 1996.
For data from each strain in 1993, the correlation between the percentage of cracked eggs vs. breaking strength were significant in DX and SN, and vs. SWUSA were significant in DX, JU and W77, and vs. percentage of shell were significant in DX, JU and SHA, and vs. shell thickness were significant in DX. In 1996, the correlation between the percentage of cracked eggs vs. breaking strength were significant in DX, JU and SN, and vs. percentage of shell were significant in JU, SN, MA and SO, and vs. specific gravity were significant in DX, JU and SN.
The relationship between the percentage of cracked eggs and methods of measurements of shell quality was different in each strain. In identical strains, the relationship was different in each year. Thus, specific methods of measurement of shell quality were not significantly correlated with the percentage of cracked eggs in all strains.
However, it was considered that specific method of measurement could be used to estimate shell quality because it was significantly correlated with the percentage of cracked eggs in a specific strain.
[Key words: methods of measurement of shell quality,percentage of cracked eggs, strains]
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