福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告18 (1999) pp 68 - 71
1 草姿は“中’’、葉形は“短楕円”で、‘基本集団’と同じであるが、葉面に毛じはな い。
2 草丈、穂長および一次側枝数の固定度は、‘基本集団’より高く、ナバナの市販品種と 同等である。
3 収量およびカルシウム含量は‘京築在来種’と同等である。
4 根こぶ病には罹病性で、‘京築在来種’と同等の“弱”である。
Vegetable Characteristics of New Rape Cultivar 'BUZEN 1'. SHIBATO Yasushi, Tatsuya HAYASHIDA, Koji ODAHARA, Yuji HAMACHI, Nobuharu MORIFUJI, Yuji MATSUE and Michikazu HIRAMATSU (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 18 : 63 - 67(1999)
A new rape cultivar(Brassica napus L.), 'BUZEN 1' was developed at Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center in 1996, selected by mass selection from native rape cultivars in Tsuiki, Fukuoka. The vegetable characteristics of 'BUZEN 1' are as follows:
1)The plant is an intermediate type with round elliptic leaves, and no pubescence on the leaves.
2)The degree of fixation is higher than those of native rape cultivars, equivalent to those of other varieties.
3)The yield and the calcium content are equivalent to those of 'KEICHIKU ZAIRAISYU'. The 'KEICHIKU ZAIRAISYU' is produced by agricultural cooperative associations in Keichiku.
4)The plant is not tolerant to clubroot. The clubroot resistance is equivalent to those of 'KEICHIKU ZAIRAISYU'.
[keywords : Brassica napus L., calcium, mass selection, pubescence, rape]
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