福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告18 (1999) pp 58 - 62



l FXD−3利用による選果・パック詰めでは‘とよのか’に比べて‘さちのか’の適 応性が高く、‘とよのか’では4月下旬以降に機械による損傷果実の発生が増加した。
2 果皮硬度と商品性がない果実の出現頻度との間には有意な負の相関が認められた。ま た、果皮硬度が約43g以下においては果皮硬度と商品性がない果実の出現頻度との関 係に品種間差が見られ、‘とよのか’は‘さちのか’に比べて果皮硬度の低い果実ほど 商品性がない果実の出現頻度が高くなる傾向がみられた。
3 収穫後の果実の予冷、高CO処理により、果皮硬度が高まるとともに、果実の損傷程度が軽減した。
4 FDX−3利用による選果・パック詰めは果実選別の精度は高く、作業能率は慣行の手作業に比べて約5倍となった。


 Application of Sorting and Packing Machine FDX-3 on Strawberry Fruit Cultivars 'TOYONOKA' and 'SATINOKA'. MORIYAMA Tomoyuki, Hisayosi MANABE and Syuiti HIMENO (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 18: 58 - 62.
 To improve work efficiency and reduce the physical burden involved in sorting and packing strawberries, the applicability of using the sorting and packing machine FDX-3 was investigated using two cultivars, 'TOYONOKA' and 'SATINOKA'. The applicability of FDX-3 was superior for 'SATINOKA' compared to 'TOYONOKA', because the occurrence of bruised fruit increased in the latter, especially during the latter part of April. There was a significant negative correlation between skin toughness and the occurrence of the frequency of non-marketable fruit. Under 43g, a varietal difference was observed between a decrease in skin toughness and the frequency of non-marketable fruit. AS the skin toughness decreased, non-marketable 'TOYONOKA' fruit was more frequent compared with that of 'SATINOKA'. The treatment of precooling and high carbon dioxide levels on harvested fruit increased skin toughness together with a reduction in the frequency of bruised fruit. The working accuracy of FDX-3 was high in sorting and packing strawberries. Furthermore, work efficiency using FDX-3 was enhanced as much as eight times compared to conventional work by hand.
[Key words: Strawberry, 'TOYONOKA', 'SATINOKA', Sorting and packing machine, Skin toughness, Precooling, High carbon dioxide levels, Working efficiency]


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