福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 181 - 185



 非分解性蛋白質(UIP)を多く含む魚粉給与および給与飼料中の粗蛋白質(CP)含量が乳牛の乳量,無脂固形分率及び乳蛋白質率に及ぼす影響を明らかにするため,供試牛8頭を用いて,ユーデン方格法により試験を実施した。給与飼料中のCP含量を14.5,17.5%の2水準設けた。さらに,各水準で高粗蛋白質飼料として大豆粕のみを用いた飼料と大豆粕の全部または一部をUIPを多く含む魚粉(乾物当たり4.2%)と置き換えた飼料を給写した。 (1)給与飼料中のCP含量に係わらず,魚粉の給与は大豆粕に比ベ,第一胃液のアンモニア態窒素量及び血液中の尿素態窒素量が減少しており,第一胃における蛋白質のバイパス率が増加していることを示唆している。 (2)乳量はCP14.5%の飼料では魚粉給与により一日当たり25.8kgが26.7kgと0.9kg増加したが,CP17.5%の飼料では乳量を増加させる効果が認められなかった。 (3)乳蛋白質率は飼料のCP含量に係わらず魚粉給与により有意(p<0.05)に増加したが,無脂固形分率は試験区間に差が認められなかった。以上のことから,魚粉給与は乳蛋白質率の改善に有効であるが,無脂固 形分率の改善効果は認められなかった。また,給与飼料のCP水準が低い場合においては乳量低下を抑制する効果が認められた。


  Effects of Fish Meal and Dietary Protein Levels on lactation Performance of Dairy Cows. KAMORI Tsugumitsu, Yuji KOJIMA, Katsuyuki YAMASHITA and Mitsuyosi UEDA (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent, , ChikuBhino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agic. Res. Cent. 14 : 181-185 (1995)
  The objective of this trial was to investigate the effects of dietary fish meal on Dairy cows. Tile Parameters of this study was based on meals that rich in undegraded intake crude protein in the rumen, crude protein contents of the diets on milk yield and milk composition in Dairy cows. Eight lactating Holstein cows were used in this trial. The experimental design was a double 4 x 3 Youden square. The cows were fed with four experimental diets. The crude protein contents of dietary dry matter were 14.5 or 17.5 %. Fish meal were supplied with 0 or 4.2% of dry matter, which replaced soybean meal in diets. (1) The cows fed with fish meal had lower ruminal NH3 and blood urea nitrogen levels than soybean meal, in diets containing 2 types of crude protains that is 14.5% and 17.5% respectively. This results suggested to increase ruminal undegraded intake crude protein in the meal. (2) There is also an increased 0.9kg/day milk production in diet containing 14.5% crude protein, but wasn't increased in diet containing 17.5% crude protein. (3) Protein content of milk were also increased milk but didn't solids-not-fat content. Dietary fish meal had the capacity to improve milk protein content. When cows fed with lower protein diets, dietary fish meal were capable to inhibit decline of milk product.
[Key words : Dairy cow, Fish meal, Dietary crude protein level, Milk yield, Milk protein, Ruminal fermentation]

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