福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 174 - 176
昆虫寄生性線虫Steinernema carpocapsae ALL系統の評価
イチジクを加害するキボシカミキリPsacothea hilaris幼虫に対する昆虫寄生性線虫Steinernema hilaris ALL系統の有効な施用量と処理時期を施用後の線虫に対する乾燥からの保護処理を行わない条件で検討した。キボシカミキリ幼虫が食入したイチジク枝に,昆虫寄生性線虫S.carpocapsae感染態3期幼虫(J3)の懸濁液を1,000J3/mlおよび10,000J3/mlで散布した結果,乾燥防止の被覆処理なしで80%の死亡率が得られ,濡れ新聞紙で被覆処理を行った場合と差がなかった。線虫の散布時期により幼虫の死亡率に大きな差が認められた。産卵後3週間経過した枝のキボシカミキリ幼虫は高率に死亡したが,11日以内の枝では死亡率が低かった。キボシカミキリ幼虫が高率に死亡した枝では樹皮下の食害程度が高く樹皮の剥離及び亀裂が生じており,線虫はこれらの筒所から枝内に侵入したものと推測された。
Evaluation of an Entomopathogenic Nematode, Steiernema carpocapae ALL Strain as a Biological Control Agent Against the Yollow Spotted Longicorn Beetle, Pscothea hilaris Larvae in Fig Tree. TSUTSUMI Takafumi and Ken-ichi YAMADA (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. , Chikushino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agic..Res. Cent. 14 : 174-176 (1995).
To determine the effective doses and timing for application of Steiernema carpocapsae (WEISER) ALL strain for control of Psacothea hilaris (PASCOE), spraying tests were conducted under semi-fieid conditions.
The infectivejuveniles (J3) in water suspension were treated on the fig tree log containing the larvae. A single treatment with either 1000 or 10000J3/ml caused 96% and 80% larval mortality for covering the log with moistend paper to prevent from drying and for non-covering, respectively. The larval mortality varied significantly with timing; higher mortality rate was observed in the log passed more than three weeks (middle-old stage larvae), lower in it within 11 days long (young stage larvae) after oviposision. Higher mortality in the former was presumably due to the crack or exfoliate of bark caused by the middle-old stage larval attacking, which resulted in promotion J3 invading into the fig cambiume.
[Key words : Fig tree, Biological control, Psacothea hilaris, Steine-ema carpocapsae]
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