福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 146 - 149
千々和浩幸・林 公彦・牛島孝策
果実糖度を品質の指標としてモモの早生及び中生品種の気象の年次変動に対する適応性について,7年間のデータをもとに果実糖度の分散とFinlay and Wilkinsonの回帰分析を用いて評価した。Finlay and Wilkinsonの定義に準じて,年次気象適応性が高いということは好気象や不良気象に対して供試品種の平均糖度よりも高い値を示すこととした。早生品種には全ての年次に適応性を示す品種はなかったが,‘さおとめ’は不良気象年に適応性が高い品種,‘武井白鳳’は好気象年に適応性が高い品種であった。中生品種では‘あかつき’が全ての年次に適応性が高い品種であった。モモの果実糖度と収穫15日前から収穫最盛期までの気象要因との関係は,品種により異なったが,早生品種では降水量との間に相関の高いものが多く,中生品種では日照時間との間に相関の高いものが多かった。
[キーワード:モモ,果実糖度,年次気象適応性,Finlay and Wilkinson の回帰分析]
Adaptability of Peach Varieties to Annual Climate and Climatic Elements Concerning Sugar Contents of Fruit. CHIJIWA Hiroyuki, Kimihiro HAYASHl and Kosaku USHIJIMA (Fukuoka Agric, Res, Cent. , ChikuShino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 14 : 146-149 (1995)
The adaptability of peach varieties (early ripening varieties and medium ripening varieties) to annual climate concerning sugar contents of fruit was analyzed by Finlay and Wilkinson's method, using data of 7 years(1987-1993) observation. According to Finlay and Wilkinson, adaptation was defined as having high sugar contents than average sugar contents of all materials in each annual climate. Early ripening varieties usually not adapted well to all annual climate but 'TAKEIHAKUHO' adapted well to favorable annual climate and 'SAOTOME' adapted well to unfavorable annual climate. 'AKATSUKI', a medium ripening varieties, adapted well to all annual climate. Sugar contents of fruit were correlated with climatic elements for 15 days before harvest. In most cores of early ripening varieties, it was correlated with precipitation and in most cores of medium ripening varieties, it was correlated with hours of sunshine.
[Key words : Pench, Sugar contents, Adaptability to annual climate, Finlay and Wilkinson's regruion coefficient]
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