福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 11 - 13



 福岡県農業総合試験場で育成された極早生の良食味品種 ‘夢つくし’ の異なる栽培環境条件下,炊飯後およびつゆ明け後における食味と理化学的特性について検討した。理化学的特性値はコシヒカリと同程度かやや優れてた。異常気象条件下においても食味の低下および理化学的特性値の劣下が小さかった。炊飯後及びつゆ明け後の食味低下が小さかった。以上の結果から,@登熟期間の気象条件に左右されにくい安定した,A炊飯後の食味変化が小さく安定したかつ貯蔵性の優れた良食味品種であることを明らかにした。


 Palatability and Physicochemical Properties of a New Paddy Rice Cultivar 'YUMETSUKUSHI'. OGATA Takefumi, SUMIYOSHI Tsuyoshi, MATSUE Yuji and HAMACHI Yuji (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. , Chikushino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 14 : 11-13 (1995)
 Palatability and Physicochemical properties of a New Recommended an Extremely-early-maturing paddy Rice Cultivar 'YUMETSUKUSHI' developed by Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center was studies. Physicochemical properties of 'YUMETSUKUSHI' was good as 'KOSHIHIKARI'. Under the abnormal weather condition, it did not influence palatability and physicochemical properties for 'YUMETSUKUSHI'. The fore it was concluded that 'YUMETSUKUSHI' was the cultivar with high and stable palatability in any growth environment. After cooking of rice, degree of palatability deterioration of 'YUMETSUKUSHI' was relatively low. Degree of palatability deterioration of 'YUMETSUKUSHI' was relatively low in rice stored at room temperature (from October of 1993 to July of 1994). Therefore, it was concluded that 'YUMETSUKUSHI' was the cultivar with a relatively high palatability for stored rice and after cooking of rice.
[Key words : Palatability, Physicochemical properties, Rice, 'YUMETSUKUSHI' ]

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