福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 81 - 86


中原秀人・山本幸彦・金丸 隆・今林惣一郎

 北野町大城地区で行った現地試験(1991〜1993年)の結果をもとに,セル成型苗利用の収益性分析を行った。リーフレタス,ハクサイでは慣行のペーパーポット苗に比べ10a当たり所得ではやや減少するものの,1日当たり所得では同等ないし増加した。直播が慣行のホウレンソウでは,栽植本数が多いためセル成型苗を利用すると種苗費が著しく増加し,10a当たり所得・1日当たり所得ともに低下した。セル成型苗を利用した機械移植では,現行の移植機の中では3品目のうちハクサイのみで適用可能で,収益増をもたらす。収益性分析の結果から,営農モデルを@リーフレタスはセル成型苗利用・人カ移植,Aハクサイはセル成型苗・機械移植,Bホウレンソウは直播,C水稲品種を普通期極早生品種、の条件で線形計画法を用いて策定した。営農モデルの結果は,慣行技術体系に比ベ@水田利用率は70%増加,A1人当たり農業所得は602千円増加し,1時間当たり農業所得は25%増加した。営農モデルが実用化されるための地域条件整備として地域営農システムを策定した。地域営農システムは,セル成型苗の育苗施設と調製・出荷施設をもつ野菜支援センター(仮称)の設置, 水稲受託組織の設立を主題とした。野菜支援センターについては雇用労働力を活用し,水稲受託組織は地域内の水稲作農家で組織する。


  Profitability of Some Vegetables Cultivation by Cell Rasied Plants and Production Planning for Regional Agricultural Support System. NAKAHRA Hideto, Yukihiko YAMAMOTO, Takashi KANAMARU and Souichiro IMABAYASHI (Fukuoka Agric. Res, Cent. , Chikushino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agic. Res. Cent. 14 : 81-86 (1995)
  We analysed the profit of culture methods with cell raised plants of vegetables such as lettuce, hakusai and spinach in Oki district, Kitano and Fukuoka Prefecture. The results were summarized as follows : 1) Both in lettuce and hakusai cultivation an agricultural income per 10a for cell raised plants was less than paper-pot raised plants, while the income per day for cell raised plants was the same or more than for paper-pot raised plants. 2) In spinach cultivation an agricultural income per 10a and per day for cell rasied plants was less than for direct seeding. 3) Transplanter with cell raised plants was profitable for hakusai cultivativation but not for vegetables. Based on the profit analysis, a plan of farm model was arranged by a linear programming method. Preconditions of the model were as follows : 1) For lettuce cultivation cell rasing plants were manually transplanted. 2) For hakusai cultivation a transplanter was used with the cell rasing plants. 3) Spinach was sown ditrectly. 4) The earliest variety of middle seasonal rice culture was adopted. As the results, a cropping rate of a paddy field increased 70% over the conventional model and an agricultural income per farmer-power increased by 602000 yen over the conventional model, while agricultural income per hour increased 25% over the conventional one. To establish the proposed model of the regional agriculture in Oki, following points should taken to be considerd essential: supporting center for vegetable production which has facilties for packing production and nursery with cellular tray, and a cooperative group for rice production. The vegetable support center needs labor force hired in thier region, while the cooperative should be organized by regional rice farmers.
[Key words : Cell raised plants, Profit, Plan of farm model, Regional agriculture mode1]

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