福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告25 (2006)  pp 111 - 114
 リジン含量を80%に低減した飼料を給与すると,標準飼料との生体重差は有意となったが,85%に低減した飼料と標準飼料との間に有意差は無かった。また,部分肉割合では,もも肉比率はリジン含量低減の影響を受けなかったが,むね肉比率は80%に低減した飼料を給与すると, 9週齢時に1.9%,10週齢時に1.4%低減され,85%に低減した飼料を給与すると,10週齢時に1.0%低減された。腹腔内脂肪割合は,80%に低減した飼料を給与すると, 9週齢時に0.6%,10週齢時に0.8%有意に増加し,85%に低減した飼料を給与すると, 9週齢時に0.5%有意に増加した。
 Reduction of Breast Meat Ratio of ‘Hakataichibandori' Raised with Feed with Low Lysine Content TSUKINO Tomokazu, Eriko FUKUHARA, Yuusuke NISHIO (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 25: (2006)
 In an attempt to reduce the breast meat ratio of ‘Hakataichibandori', which suffers from a lower market demand, ‘Hakataichibandori' were given feed with a reduced lysine content along the order of 80% and 85% of the regimen for broiler feeding. The results were examined to determine influence on growth and the breast meat ratio.
 The body weight of a control group fed with normal feed was compared with a group given feed with an 80% lysine content to find any significant differences in body weight between them. However, there was no significant difference between the control group and the group given feed with an 85% lysine reduction.
 In terms of body part meat ratio, the thigh meat ratio was not affected by the lysine content reduction. However, for the group given feed with the lysine content reduced to 80%, the breast meat weight was reduced by 1.9% at nine weeks old. It was reduced by 1.4% at 10 weeks old, and by 1.0% at the 10-week mark when fed with the lysine content reduced to 85%.
 As to the abdominal fat, the ratio increased significantly by 0.6% at nine weeks old and by 0.8% at 10 weeks old when fed with the lysine content reduced to 80%. The same 0.5% ratio was true at nine weeks old when fed with the lysine content reduced to 85%.
 It was estimated that there will be a decrease of 16 to 23% in breast meat accumulation of freight when ‘Hakataichibandori' is raised with a feed with a low lysine content.
[keyword :'HAKATAICHIBANDORI', lysine, breast meat ratio, abdominal fat]
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