福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告25 (2006)  pp 33 - 36
1.単為結果性ナス系統‘AE-P03’は夜間の最低温度が5℃でもほとんどの果実が着果し,正常に肥大した。  また,60%遮光の日射量制限下でも着果した果実は正常に肥大した。その一方で,着果率は低下した。
2.単為結果性ナス系統‘安濃交6号’の収量は本県主要品種‘筑陽’より低かったが,主枝仕立法の違いによ って差が認められ,主枝垂直2本仕立が最も優れた。
3.今後,ナスの促成栽培において,省力化による規模拡大を図るためには,低温での単為結果性が優れる‘AE -P03’等の優良系統を交配母本として,収量性および果実品質が優れた単為結果性ナス品種を育成することが 重要であると考えられた。
 The Effects of Nighttime Temperature, Shading and Branch Training on the Bearing and Yield of Parthenocarpic Eggplant in Forcing Culture. Takeshi KOGA, Akira ISHIZAKA, Katsumi SHIMOMURA and Takayuki SUEYOSHI (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka, 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 25:33-36 (2006)
 Parthenocarpic eggplant requires fewer working hours. Common Japanese eggplant varieties are non-parthenocarpic and need 4-CPA treatment to bear fruit in forcing culture. Engaging in this treatment is quite time consuming. We examined the effects of nighttime temperature and shading treatment on parthenocarpic eggplant in forcing culture in terms of bearing fruit and its thickness. Additionally, the effects of primary scaffold branch training on the yield were examined.
1. All fruit of parthenocarpic eggplant ‘AE-P03' grew normally under the low nighttime temperatures. The shading treatment had no effect on the thickening of the fruit of 'AE-P03', although the number of blooms and rate of bearing decreased.
2. The yield of parthenocarpic eggplant ‘Anoukou 6' was less than that of the common cultivar ‘Chikuyou'. But a two-primary scaffold branch in vertical training brought about better yield than a three- or four-scaffold branch for ‘Anoukou6'.
3. The foregoing results indicate that it is important to develop and propagate parthenocarpic eggplant cultivation for excellent yields and qualities.
[key words: bearing, eggplant, labor-saving, parthenocarpy, yielding ability]
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