福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告23 (2004)  pp 78 - 82
 試験は,分娩後 5〜 7ヵ月のホルスタイン種泌乳牛を用い,3群× 3期のラテン方格法で行った。ロールベールサイレージを細断しTMRと混合して給与する区(混合給与区),ロールベールサイレージを無細断でTMRと別々の飼槽で給与する区(分別給与区),同一飼槽において無細断ロールベールサイレージ上にTMRを載せて給与する区(同時給与区),の 3区を設定し,泌乳牛の飼料摂取量および泌乳成績等を調査した。
 Effects of a Roll-bale Silage Feeding Method on Feed Intake and Lactation Performance in Lactating Dairy Cows. YOKOYAMA Manabu, Tugumitsu KAMORI, Takahiko KAKIHARA, Taketoshi UMEDA, Minako HARADA, Souhei ASAOKA and Yasuhiro KOGA (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent., 23: 78 - 82 (2004)
This study examined of a roll-bale silage feeding system that does not require the use of cutting and mixing machine, which can be labor intensive as well as expensive. The roll-bale silage was Italian ryegrass. Six Holstein cows in late lactation were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square design to examine the effect of 3 feeding systems: 1) MIXED -cut roll-bale silage mixed with TMR; 2) SEPARATED - uncut roll-bale silage fed separately from TMR; 3) LAYERED - TMR laid over uncut roll-bale silage. The cows were housed in a free-stall barn.
@Roll-bale silage intake was higher in the MIXED and LAYERED methods than in the SEPARATED system .
AThere were no differences in lactation performance.
BWith respect to feeding costs, the MIXED and LAYERED methods were lower than the SEPARATED one.
These results suggested that the LAYERED method was equal to the MIXED in roll-bale silage intake, lactation performance, and feeding costs.
[Key words : feeding methods, rapping roll-bale silage, TMR, lactating dairy cows, free stall barn]
*連絡責任者(家畜部) 1)現朝倉地域農業改良普及センター 2)現両筑家畜保健衛生所
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