福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 104 - 109


大野和朗・嶽本弘之・河野一法・林 恵子

 ミナミキイロアザミウマの土着天敵ヒメハナカメムシ類に影響の少ないピリプロキフェン乳剤およびその他の選択的農薬を組み込んだ総合防除体系の有効性を検討するため,総合防除圃場ならびに慣行防除圃場を現地農家圃場に設けた。総合防除圃場では選択的殺虫剤および殺ダニ剤,殺菌剤を農家に指定し,慣行防除圃場では農家に防除を一任した。総合防除圃場では,ミナミキイロアザミウマ以外のアザミウマ類の密度が高く,ミナミキイロアザミウマが優占種となった時期は8月以降と遅かった。一方,慣行防除圃場では調査を開始した7月上旬ですでにミナミキイロアザミウマが100%を占め,その密度は総合防除圃場に比べ高く推移した。ミナミキイロアザミウマの密度の差は果実被害にも反映され,秀品果率(A品率)は慣行防除圃場に比べ総合防除圃場で有意に高く推移した。また,慣行防除圃場ではハダニ類の密度も高く推移し,殺ダニ剤が数回散布された。ミナミキイロアザミウマの捕食性天敵であるヒメハナカメムシ類は慣行防除圃場ではほとんど認められなかった。一方,総合防除園場では栽培初期から栽培後期までヒメハナカメムシ類が観察され,成幼虫密度は7月下旬から8月上 旬にピークを示した。以上の結果から,選択的な農薬とヒメハナカメムシ類を組み合わせた総合防除体系は,ミナミキイロアザミウマおよびその他のナス主要害虫を効果的に抑制することが明らかとなった。


  Effectiveness of Integrated Pest Control Program for Thrips palm KANRY on Eggplants: A case study in a commercial field. OHNO Kazuro, Hiroyuki TAKEMOTO, Kazunori KAWANO1) and Keiko HAYASHI2) (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Yoshiki, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818 Japan, 1)Yame Agricultural Extension Office, and 2)Fukuoka Plant Protection Office, Chikugo Branch). Bull. Fukuoka Agic. Res. Cent. 14 : 104-109 (1995)
  To clarify the effectiveness of the integrated pest control program proposed by Nagai (1991), densities of pests and natural enemies were investigated in eggplant fields under IPM control and conventional control. Only selective insecticides, acaricides and fungicides were sprayed over eggplants in IPM field, taking into account the conservation of natural enemies , Orius spp. In contrast, chemicals for the conventional control were chosen by a farmer according to prefectural standards. During the growing season from June to October, the density of T. palmi was higher in the conventional field than in IPM field, despite the intensive application of insecticides in the conventional field. Significantly more fruits were damaged by T. palmi in the conventional field than in the IPM field. The density of spider mites in the conventional field was also higher than in the IPM field. The density of Orius spp. fluctuated with a peak from late July to early August in the IPM field, while few individuals were observed only in late June in the conventional field. From these results, it is concluded that the IPM control with a combination of selective chemicals and naturally occurring Orius spp. is effective to control T. palmi and other major pests in eggplant fields.
[Key words : IPM, Thrips palmi, Orius spp. , native natural enemies, selective insecticides. ]

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