福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 87 - 91





  Micropropagation and Acclimatization of Tissue Culture Plantlets of Japanese Butterbur (Petal japonics Miq. ). KOGA Masaaki, Keita HIRASHIMA and Takao NAKAHARA. (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. , Chikushino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. 14 : 87-91 (1995)
  In order to develop the Supply technique of tissue culture p1antlets of Japanese Butterbur (Petal japonics Miq. ) , conditions for micropropagation by means of axillary bud and tTor acclimatization were optimized and propagation rate were elucidated. Tissue culture plantlets are able to be propagated about fourtyfTold by 100 days through transplanting the axillary buds generated from the plantlets on the 1/2MS solid media supplemented with 2mg/L BA to the same media containing 0.01mgA NAA (root inducing medium). The plantlets propagated through above method and followed by 16 days culture on the root inducing media are able to be acclimatized with high viability and quite healthy by transplanting the cells in a 98 wells-tray filled with vermiculite and wrapped tTor 2 weeks. By these methods, the trasnsplantable plantlets to soil are ready for supplying by 134 days since propagation starts.
[Key words : Japanese butterbur (Petal japonicus Miq.), Tissue culture, Micropropagation, Acclimatization]

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