福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告14(1995) pp 61 - 63





  Effects of Primary Scaffold Branch Number and Root Stock Variety on Yield and Quality of Eggplants During the Three Years Culture. ONO Takashi, Yukihiko YAMAMOTO, Sigemi MAMETSUKA and Kazutaka TSUKIJI (Fukuoka Agric. Res. Cent. , Chikushino, Fukuoka 818, Japan) Bull. Fukuoha Agic. Res. Cent. 14 : 61-63 (1995)   The effects of primary scaffold branch number and root stock varieties on yield and quality of egg plants in forcing culture were investigated. In this experiment,plants prunned for renovation after the last yield were cultured every year. Yields of plants with 2 branchs were higher than plants with 4 branchs every year during three years. Yields of plants with 'HIRANASU' were higher than plants with Toruvam. In all treatments, the yield of the second year was highest among three years culture, the yield of the third year was lower than that of the first year. The ratio of high and mid quality friuts was about 60% through two years, but that in the third year remarkably decreased, the number of bad shaped friuts increased year after year. This tendency was the same within all treatments. And the slim-neck shaped fruits increased after December in the second year. In conclusion that plants with 2 branchs on 'HIRANASU' was suitable for the culture extended after the last yield of forcing culture, and harvest time was recommended from August to December in the second year.
[Key words : Eggplant, Renovation-pruning, Forcing culture , Root stock variety, Branch number]

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